Poland has been a raging cunt towards their neighbours for over 500 years. Funny to see that they pick right up where they left off after they finally pulled themselves together again.
I mean there is a reason why everyone just walks over them if they are in the way…
Poland has been a raging cunt towards their neighbours for over 500 years.
You could replace Poland in that sentence with almost every other European nation (ignoring issues of predecessor nations not having the exact same borders of course).
Yeah, with the difference that everyone else chilled the fuck out by now. With exception of Perfidious Albion and maybe the Swamp Germans. Poland not so much, their drift into ultra nationalistic hate doesn’t slow down, it speeds up and gets worse every year. The more money they get, the more of it they use to sabotage the EU.
Most of the other countries in Europe seem to be moving to the political right again too right now. Though you might have a point that Poland stayed conservative and nationalist in the last few decades while others changed.
Not really, my country’s neighbours are certainly not perfect but I would never categorise them as raging cunts. In fact they have been fairly decent.
I’m not one to defend Poland in its current state, or whitewash it’s checkered history especially with regard to how it treated Ukraine, but…
Poland didn’t even exist for 125+ of those 500 years, as it was completely erased off the map by the Hapsburgs, Russians, and Prussians. Its neighbours have always treated Poland as a playground for proxy wars and political intrigue, and both Russians and Germans think of the Polish as yokels or shit disturbers, worthy only of subjugation or exploitation.
In other words, it’s not hard to see why Poland quickly turned into an anxiety-ridden bully. Like an abused kid grown up into a shitty adult.
I’m not talking about 1500-2000, more like 1300-1800. It was only after their neighbours finally ereased it off the map that it became a playground. Remember that Thirty Years War? Fucking hell, the trauma of that can still be detected in the DNA of the people of those regions. But details aside, in general we agree and that it is a problem. I said it earlier and I’ll say it again, polish facism is the bigger future threat that’s growing in the shadow of Russias current threat.