can they ban you for wearing a necklace with a cross? or a scarf around your head? This is madness, what bad does it do to other people, this is like banning lgbtq people from kissing outside cause it makes others uncomfortable.
No they can not ban you, but they can ban your cross.
If you can’t live without your cross, that is on you.
This isn’t about banning people from wearing their religious merchandise in public. This is banning religious objects from workplaces. More precisely just public workplaces. Of course a secular state should also have secular workplaces. And the way labour rights are personal life can be completely banned from your workplace. Why would religion be treated differently?
Is that the workplace you want? Devoid of personal lives but mere drones who congregate to labour and then disperse into their personal lives where finally they are free to express themselves how they want?
No I want democratic workplaces. But also workplaces without religion nonetheless.
Shit tier take, with no nuance and a dashing of embedded prejudice.
what bad does it do to other people
Religion is a cancer, the quicker we kill it, the better society will be. In other words, religion does a lot of bad by being propagated.
Athiesm is a cancer, the quicker we kill it, the better society will be. In other words, Athiesm does a lot of bad by being propagated.
Listen to yourself. You’re no better than an Islamic terrorist wanting to slaughter infidels.
You need to learn to distinguish between belief and people holding that belief, but maybe you are getting that wrong on purpose.