Back in the day this was even better:
Original Galaxy S battery was getting weak? Order a new battery from Amazon for 13€. Battery arrives, pop the back of the phone off, pull battery out (just like that, no soldering), push new battery in. Push the back of the phone back on, done.
New battery in and it had more mAh than the original one. Despite overclocking that phone it ran a day longer after the replacement.
The batteries are not soldered even in the newest Samsung phones. Everything you’d want to replace is modular. Not sure about Apple.
My pixel 4a battery isn’t soldered but I needed to spend 45 minutes taking it apart and it’s definitely not something the average phone user would be comfortable doing. We need to pass (in the US) some sort of legislation that makes it simple to replace phone batteries.
Thanks for reminding me of how I used to never worry about battery life cause the moment one got low, I’d just pop a spare out of my backpack and continue on with my day. Batteries were so freaking cheap!
great for you, doesn’t spund great for the environment, I like the push for replaceable batteries, but surely battery banks are a better solution since they are universal
Charging the internal battery from an external one loses a lot of energy, battery charging is very far from 100% efficient A phone might not use enough energy for this to make much of a difference, but you need to build and carry beefier battery banks compared to internal batteries, and I’m not sure whether you’ll see a net benifit
If the EU has its way we might all get this.
One can hope.
People can babble about water proofing, etc. There is no legitimate engineering problem.
The battery could power the device wirelessly at this point.
They could even claim they’re saving the environment by not including the battery after a couple release cycles.
Oof i didn’t think of them selling the battery separate possibly with an upcharge. monkeys paw curls
You probably also didn’t think about them no longer making the battery two years after releasing the phone.