As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.
The fact she’s now randomly in NYC? Must be nice to drop all responsibilities at home and jet off to NYC. The fact she just drops her kids like it’s no big deal and goes off for no reason.
You can also hear her say “I’m having so much fun being child free” while at the toystore. As if she isn’t child free every day while her ailing mom watches her toddler. But she’s in her yes era. She’s saying yes to everything, except being a present mother.
I’m not just being a bitch. I have teenagers too and yeah, they want less to do with you. Yeah you can get away with more free time. I do have more time to go to a happy hour or the gym, but she has a toddler!!! How is she ok just seeing her a few hours a week then fucking off to NYC after all the other trips she’s been taking?
I’d feel like shit if I saw my mom say “I’m having so much fun being child free”. Like my mom would NEVER feel that way, even in my 30’s she still misses spending as much time with me as she did when I still lived at home. Sarah will make all these posts about spending time with your kids while you can, or about how L is growing up so fast and she doesn’t know where the time went and she’ll have some insane toilet poetry when M goes off to university but she CHOOSES to be away from them anyways. She has missed over half of L’s life so far by dropping her off at NK’s every day, by saying yes to every single thing that comes her way, it’s insane yet she’ll still cry to get sympathy about how life moves so fast and spend time with your kids while you can 🙄
And she only has the big kids 50% of the time🙈🙈🙈🙈 and like you said Lemon is never home. What is she needing a break from!!! And yes it does feel like shit. I had a an actually professional mother who chose her career over family, took luxury vacations without us and spent the rest of her time with her husband. We were constantly shuttled between my grandparents, our father and school with brief stops at “home”. Where we longed to be but ended up feeling empty, shallow and needing when we were there ☹️ it was sad. We all wanted our mother’s attention very very deeply but it was hard to figure that out in real time when you don’t know any different. I’m in my late 40’s and I am still not quite right🙃 totally weird relationships with my “mother”.
She’s a movie critic 🎬. She’s going to try and lock eyes with Josh Hartnett perhaps
She really thinks she deserves to have things she’s never worked for. Wow she watched a hallmark movie, gave it some bells and now she thinks she should be in hallmark movies AND a movie critic. I’m so sick of her.
Just thinking back to the film classes I took in college and how much goes into actually watching a film. I am so blessed to live in a film city. So many film fests and film centers. Access to amazing catalogs. I love watching movies and never have I ever thought I was a serious journalist. Siskel and Ebert were serious journalists and critics I grew up watching. She can’t even spell check and plagiarizes but sure girl. Go off with your little bells.
Just a small glimpse into her delusions of grandeur and the insane way her mind works. It must be exhausting to be her friend.