Super ancient interstellar traveling race… didn’t have a written language.
Yeah man, that’s makes sense.
They were so advanced, all their records were stored on computers. Then their security vendor pushed an update.
That makes me think… I fully expect history to view our current information age as a digital dark ages once everything on the Internet is lost.
I went to a weird conference about 10 years ago and it was very much about data retrieval and long term storage of digital media. I’d say that the speaker was 80% dead on and 20% full of shit. One thing he was very clear about: he lost his own wedding photos due to his own overconfidence in digital storage technology and his wife is still deeply pissed about it.
I still have my wedding photos on CD rom somewhere, so I’m sure they’re safe. /s
In related news, my parents are downsizing and my mom just asked me if I wanted my great-grandparents’ wedding certificate. It’s in great condition.