Yes, fascists. Or would you like to tell me how ethnic cleansing, genocide, totalitarian repression, repression of worker control over industry in favor of state control of industry, and an anti-democratic hero cult of death is actually True Socialism™?
Much as it seems like you’re clearly interested in a good faith discussion based on facts and evidence, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to pass.
Much as it seems like you’re clearly interested in a good faith discussion based on facts and evidence
Silly me, I must have imagined all of that in all the regimes tankies play apologist for. I must have also imagined the mass murder and ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians as well, since you don’t believe in that genocide either. Bucha was a false flag, right? What’s the latest talking point on the kidnapped Ukrainian children? Summer camps, is it?
As usual, just screaming a bunch of nonsense unrelated to anything I’ve said. I’ve fed your trolling enough for today.
As usual, just screaming a bunch on nonsense unrelated to anything I’ve said.
Oh, good, so you haven’t denied the Ukrainian genocide?
The war in Ukraine is tragic but it doesn’t fit the classification a genocide,
This you?