(Tl;dr at the bottom)
Is this AI generated slob? Because it reads like AI generated slob. And the ‘picture’ of that lady looks like it’s AI generated as well.
Needless to say, what this lady is saying in regards to Germany has no basis in reality. She claims Germany’s unstable energy prices are a result of Germany shutting down it’s nuclear reactor. This is an oversimplification of the highest order.
For reference, the newest nuclear powerplant that went online in Germany, did so in 1989. The most recent plan to build even newer reactors was cancelled in 1999. 2002 a law was passed that prohibited the building of new nuclear reactors and limited the operational life of all nuclear reactors to at most 32 years. That would have meant that all reactors had to be shut down after 2021.
However in 2010, the operational life of a few select reactors was lengthened by 12 years.
2011 then, after Fukushima, the operational life was reduced to just two additional years; the last reactor was set to get shut down in April 2023. This all was decided by the conservative government led by the CDU.
In 2022, the Green minister for energy and the economy, Robert Habeck, passed an emergency resolution, allowing the at that time 3 remaining nuclear reactors, which in total provided at most 6% of Germany’s energy needs, to run for half a year longer.
So let’s tally up: The last nuclear reactor was built 1989. Since 2002, by law, no new nuclear reactors were allowed to be built. In 2022, the operational life of the last 3 reactors was extended by the Green minister for energy and the economy. Those 3 reactors provided at most 6% of the German energy mix.
What happened to the rest of the nuclear output that had to be replaced? The conservative, CDU-led government, in their infinite wisdom, killed the incentives to build up renewable energy, which Germany was a world leader in at the time (keyword: “Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz”, “Solardeckel” if you’re interested to read about that whole saga). They then allowed Putin to basically capture the German energy market with cheap russian gas. We all know how that worked out.
Compounding is the issue that southern, conservative-led states in Germany (mainly Bavaria) are blocking both the expansion of renewable energy (keyword: “Windrad Abstandsregel”), as well as the expansion of the energy grid, so cheap energy created in the north through renewable sources can’t be transported to the south.
But surely we could just build new nuclear reactors, right? The conservative state-government in Bavaria certainly thinks so (after being in favor of the nuclear shutdown even as late as 2020). The simple answer is: No. Renewable energy is simply too cheap. Nuclear energy was always subsidized in Germany, both during construction and during operation. And the task of finding a suitable location for storing the nuclear waste also falls to the government. So unless you are ideologically captured, financing new reactors as the government doesn’t make sense. It also doesn’t make sense for the energy companies either, because nuclear power is way too long of a commitment for them, compared to simply throwing up more wind turbines or solar panels. “German efficiency” would complicate the matter of building new nuclear reactors further. Nuclear reactors going online in Europe in the past years did so with hefty delays, cost overruns and construction times ranging between 12 and 20 years. And if the BER airport is used as a comparison, it would be even worse in Germany.
Bonus: A timeline (in german) highlighting steps towards the shutdown of nuclear power in Germany: https://www.base.bund.de/de/nukleare-sicherheit/atomausstieg/ausstieg-atomkraft/ausstieg-atomkraft_inhalt.html#a449768
Tl;dr: So no, dear AI generated swedish person, nuclear energy is no viable path for Germany, and also no, neither the shutdown, nor the ban on new nuclear reactors is the fault of Robert Habeck.
Personal opinion: Robert Habeck is the closest we get in Germany to a politician that is both ‘electable’ in the eyes of the broad public and genuinely for the people. Smears like that AI lady’s have been all too common in an effort to discredit him, most of those have been lies or deliberate misconstructions. So a heartfelt “fuck you!” goes out from me to her.
I’m aware she’s a real person, the photo is credited with her instagram after all. I’m still going to call her AI lady though. She certainly has the same spotty reasoning skills as contemporary AI models.
I mean, I agree that at this point, building nuclear reactors probably won’t help with these problems. But shutting down already built reactors that could still have been safely used for years was incredibly stupid imo. They could have used these as backup for peaks instead of coal and gas.
The neoliberal has spoken. You know that politics can change circumstances?
Yeah sure, let’s listen to that totally real AI lady and build new nuclear reactors. Just ignore that a sizable portion of the German people is still against nuclear energy. Just ignore that it costs more than building up renewable energy. Just ignore that even the energy companies don’t want to start building new nuclear reactors based on how risky that endeavour is. Just ignore that Germany still has no long term storage for nuclear waste. Just ignore the 15-year construction time that would do nothing to help our energy needs now. Let’s just ignore all that. But sure, I’m neoliberal.
Politics is about changing exactly those circumstances. Nothing is eternal. If Germany really wants to, Germany can build nuclear within a decade (I mean Germany has previously done far more extreme things in less time, like energiewende, or inventing nuclear reactors while fighting a total war). It’s of course a big economic risk because of the possible high alternative cost. That’s why the government should do it. You have to compare that with the risk of not having a fossil free alternative to gas and coal within 15 years. Actually, the risk is not that great because you will get fossil free energy either way.
You sure write like a neoliberal. Maybe you’re just not aware of that. Not seeing politics as a viable tool is maybe the most neoliberal thing one can do. And it’s very damaging to society in all western countries right now. Unless you weren’t ironic…