Day 24: Crossed Wires
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For completeness’ sake. I actually solved part 2 by looking at the structure with Graphviz and checking the input manually for errors. So the code here merely replicates the checks I was doing by hand.
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Text.Printf
data Op = AND | OR | XOR deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
readInput :: String -> (Map String Int, Map String (Op, (String, String)))
readInput s =
let (inputs, gates) = second (drop 1) $ break null $ lines s
in ( Map.fromList $ map (break (== ':') >>> (id *** read . drop 2)) inputs,
Map.fromList $ map (words >>> \[a, op, b, _, o] -> (o, (read op, (a, b)))) gates
evalNetwork :: Map String Int -> Map String (Op, (String, String)) -> Maybe Int
evalNetwork inputs gates = fromBits <$> getOutput signals
getOutput = traverse snd . takeWhile (("z" `isPrefixOf`) . fst) . Map.toDescList
fromBits = foldl' (\a b -> (a `shiftL` 1) .|. b) 0
signals = Map.union (Just <$> inputs) $ Map.mapWithKey getSignal gates
getSignal w (op, (a, b)) = doGate op <$> join (signals Map.!? a) <*> join (signals Map.!? b)
doGate AND = (.&.)
doGate OR = (.|.)
doGate XOR = xor
findError :: [(String, (Op, (String, String)))] -> Maybe (String, String)
findError gates = findGate AND ("x00", "y00") >>= go 1 . fst
go i carryIn = do
let [x, y, z] = map (: printf "%02d" (i :: Int)) ['x', 'y', 'z']
xor1 <- fst <$> findGate XOR (x, y)
and1 <- fst <$> findGate AND (x, y)
let layer2 = findGates (carryIn, xor1) ++ findGates (carryIn, and1)
xorGate2 <- find ((== XOR) . fst . snd) layer2
andGate2 <- find ((== AND) . fst . snd) layer2
let xor2 = fst xorGate2
and2 = fst andGate2
orGate <-
( \(_, (op, (a, b))) ->
op == OR && any (`elem` [a, b]) [xor1, and1, xor2, and2]
[ checkIs xor1 =<< otherInput carryIn xorGate2,
checkIs z xor2,
go (succ i) (fst orGate)
checkIs p q = (p, q) <$ guard (p /= q)
otherInput x (_, (_, (a, b)))
| a == x = Just b
| b == x = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing
findGates (a, b) = filter (\(_, (_, ins)) -> ins `elem` [(a, b), (b, a)]) gates
findGate op = find ((== op) . fst . snd) . findGates
part2 = sort . concatMap biList . unfoldr go . Map.assocs
go gates = (\p -> (p, first (exchange p) <$> gates)) <$> findError gates
exchange (a, b) c
| c == a = b
| c == b = a
| otherwise = c
main = do
(inputs, gates) <- readInput <$> readFile "input24"
print . fromJust $ evalNetwork inputs gates
putStrLn . intercalate "," $ part2 gates