Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.
This is a bad faith take that only reflect the experiencs of the wealthiest boomers. There are elderly people struggling with Medicare and social security being cut. Remember, there’s not an age war, there is a class war.
It is a class war but boomers provide political cover the the ruling class to destroy the country
There is no war but the class war, full stop.
The boomer I see sleeping on the sidewalk every morning is more a victim of capitalist fuckery than I’ll ever be. There’s no war but the class war, everything else is secondary.
Yes that one boomer is a victim and many of are also victims but at same time they spout what tv told them as gospel when you bring up any issues within system.
If they want ally with the working class good, but as a group of people I don’t see anything like this.
But most of them lack proper education or they think it is not in their self interest to demand any serit reform.
They are not allies as a group of people and many of them nk longer work either. So they don’t care for working class struggle.
It’s a class war, but many boomers are scabs.
Remember when there was a worker shortage and retired boomers went and volunteered at chain restaurants so they wouldn’t have to raise wages to attract workers? Remember all the “millennials are so entitled, they want to be PAID FOR WORK” style posts by boomers, back when some non-boomers still used Facebook so we had access to their posts?
It’s not their fault they’ve been brainwashed by right-wing propaganda, but they for sure are fighting against anything resembling economic justice.
And obviously much like any generation, you can’t make sweeping statements about them. There are right-wing nutters in their 20s and even their teens out there right now and there are obviously boomers who aren’t selfish assholes.
retired boomers went and volunteered at chain restaurants
Source on this? This sounds insane