2012 laptops are still very modern and people calling them old are mean :(
Given how maimed the modern laptops are, I’m willing to consider “modern” a slur for laptops. Give me back my Ethernet, video outs and all the USB!
Give me back my Ethernet
Some ThinkPad: I have Ethernet
Buyer: Cool! I am choosing you!
Package arrives
Buyer: What the… there’s no Ethernet!
Some ThinkPad: Look closer! There’s even Ethernet icon!
Buyer: I see that, but there’s just…
Some ThinkPad: That’s it! ThinkPad Ethernet extension port. You didn’t say “RJ-45”.
I have a laptop for uni work that I bought in Jan 2011. It’s got Lubuntu running on it and most of my work is done on Google Docs… so I’m not seeing the benefit of upgrading really.
It works.