No, my argument is that framing Xi as a CEO is nonsense. I disagree with the framing as it isn’t accurate.
That’s not an argument. That’s a conclusion. The argument is the “why” part. Why is not not accurate?
You tried arguing why, and missed. That’s what all the stuff about layers of planners is about. If those are the actual reasons you reached this conclusion, it should change.
Oh sorry, do CEOs not exist on your planet? Are they not in executive control of a hierarchy, with only theoretical means to remove them? Do they not set long-term plans and broad strategic goals, within the context of a global market economy? Y’know - the thing you acknowledge Xi Jinping does, as you try to say he shares no qualities whatsoever with people who do the same thing in the private sector?
Because that’s what it would take for your response to be anything besides empty signalling to people who dogmatically agree with you just because of who you’re defending. Fairies aren’t real. CEOs are. National executives share enough in common, at the best of times, that idiots and assholes think states should “be run like a business.”
What happens when a state does control half of a country’s business, and “heavily plans” the other half?