Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles
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Sometimes I want something mutable, this one takes 0.3s, profiling tells me 30% of my time is spent creating new objects. :/
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
type StoneCache = Map Int Int
type BlinkCache = Map Int StoneCache
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse = lines >>> head >>> words >>> map read
memoizedCountSplitStones :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> (Int, BlinkCache)
memoizedCountSplitStones m 0 _ = (1, m)
memoizedCountSplitStones m i n
| Maybe.isJust maybeMemoized = (Maybe.fromJust maybeMemoized, m)
| n == 0 = do
let (r, rm) = memoizedCountSplitStones m (pred i) (succ n)
let rm' = cacheWrite rm i n r
(r, rm')
| digitCount `mod` 2 == 0 = do
let (r1, m1) = memoizedCountSplitStones m (pred i) firstSplit
let (r2, m2) = memoizedCountSplitStones m1 (pred i) secondSplit
let m' = cacheWrite m2 i n (r1+r2)
(r1 + r2, m')
| otherwise = do
let (r, m') = memoizedCountSplitStones m (pred i) (n * 2024)
let m'' = cacheWrite m' i n r
(r, m'')
secondSplit = n `mod` (10 ^ (digitCount `div` 2))
firstSplit = (n - secondSplit) `div` (10 ^ (digitCount `div` 2))
digitCount = succ . floor . logBase 10 . fromIntegral $ n
maybeMemoized = cacheLookup m i n
foldMemoized :: Int -> (Int, BlinkCache) -> Int -> (Int, BlinkCache)
foldMemoized i (r, m) n = (r + r2, m')
(r2, m') = memoizedCountSplitStones m i n
cacheWrite :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> Int -> BlinkCache
cacheWrite bc i n r = Map.adjust (Map.insert n r) i bc
cacheLookup :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
cacheLookup bc i n = do
sc <- bc Map.!? i
sc Map.!? n
emptyCache :: BlinkCache
emptyCache = Map.fromList [ (i, Map.empty) | i <- [1..75]]
part1 = foldl (foldMemoized 25) (0, emptyCache)
>>> fst
part2 = foldl (foldMemoized 75) (0, emptyCache)
>>> fst
main = getContents
>>= print
. (part1 &&& part2)
. parse
Some nice monadic code patterns going on there, passing the cache around! (You might want to look into the State monad if you haven’t come across it before)
Thank you for the hint, I wouldn’t have recognized it because I haven’t yet looked into it, I might try it this afternoon if I find the time, I could probably put both the Cache and the current stone count into the monad state?