People on bikes may be rude and may not follow the rules, but can’t be aggressive.
When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle, the man with a pistol will be a dead man.
Original stripe from the Onion:
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If they don’t want to smash into things, they can drive to the conditions. Their cars have lights, it’s just a matter of using them properly by driving at an appropriate speed.
the ‘conditions’ dont include a maniac camouflaging dangerous objects to purposely make innocent people crash.
If they didn’t smash into the bin, then sooner or later they’d risk smashing people instead. Drag would rather bins be run over than people. They won’t be innocent when their reckless driving gets someone killed.
Actually, I agree! We should also shoot dead drug users and lowlifes… otherwise they’re going to hurt someone eventually!
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