Every few years either the paper towels or the dryer spreads more germs, depends on the mood you know.
Edit: Seems like Big Paper™ sent their goons /s https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(11)00967-9/abstract
There are a lot of different dryer designs as well, some of which are much more friendly to breeding bacteria than others.
First time I’m seeing a claim that paper towels spread more germs. Got a source to back that up?
It doesn’t seem plausible. After wiping your hands dry the bacteria either stayed on your hands or were transferred to the paper towel. I can’t see a path to the air.
Blasting your hands with air fast enough to blow off whole water drops and shatter them would put bacteria in the air.
I presume that when testing their air driers they use a sterile room and thoroughly washed hands in hospital type soap so any bacteria went down the drain and only sterile water was blown into the air