I love my favorite games and have been playing them for years, but I disliked about 99% of the games I played.
I don’t think I have FoMO or anything; I just find it weird because my taste in music, film, or art/media in general is usually fairly broad. I guess I just wonder why my taste in games is aggressively limited.
It’s not for the lack of trying new games; I’ve tried more or less anything I could find, sometimes because it’s popular, other times because it looked interesting, but nothing really hits the mark like my favorite games.
I just don’t like what most developers create, I guess?
I’m hoping, by posting this, maybe I can find others who are having a similar experience, and we can share thoughts.
I’m extremely picky, and I’m lucky to have a game I love to bits that’s been consistent the last two decades. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, and I’ve come to accept it. I still play games socially with my friends, even if I wouldn’t have played that game by myself.
I went through the same thing you did, trying games that are popular and finding that I don’t enjoy them that much, and then thinking that I’ve become jaded and no longer enjoy games. However when I do play a game I enjoy I enjoy it very much indeed, so perhaps I’m not jaded after all.
There’s no accounting for taste.
I think I agree: it definitely has more to do with knowing what one likes than being jaded.
Hypothetically, if the market is full of games like Monster Hunter, or borrow a lot of ideas from it, would you still not be interested in most games?