Key findings:
51% of Europeans tend to trust the EU, the highest result since 2007. At the same time, 44% of EU citizens continue to have a positive image of the EU, while 38% have a neutral image and 17% have a negative image of the EU.
This Eurobarometer survey has registered the highest support ever for the common currency, both in the EU as a whole (74%) and in the euro area (81%).
Security and defence (33%) is the main priority area for EU action in the medium term, followed by migration (29%).
44% of European citizens think that ensuring peace and stability will have the highest positive impact on their life in the short term, followed by securing food, health, and industry supplies in the EU and managing migration (both 27%).
Europeans believe the EU should prioritise renewable energy (38%) first, followed by investments in sustainable agriculture (31%), energy infrastructure (28%) and clean technology investments (28%).
A plurality of Europeans find the situation of the European economy good. A plurality believe the European economic situation will remain stable in the next twelve months.
Nearly nine Europeans in ten (87%) agree with providing humanitarian support to the people affected by the war. 71% of EU citizens support economic sanctions on the Russian government, companies, and individuals and 68% agree with providing financial support to Ukraine. Six in ten approve of the EU granting candidate status to Ukraine and 58% agree with the EU financing the purchase and supply of military equipment to Ukraine.
[Edit typo.[
Then we will need to get governments that will actually do something against big capital making all our lives objectively worse.
The right has a story… a factually incorrect, bigoted story… the alternative is people yelling Nuh uh…
Anger motivates people… so the left needs to give their base an enemy they can rise up against.
Then we will need to get governments that will actually do something against big capital making all our lives objectively worse.
Then they should be voting for the anti-capitalist parties. They aren’t though.
Because these parties tap into the anger people have with the current state of affairs… and give them a narrative people can follow. I think it’s lies and wont actually solve the issues… but that did not matter to Germans in the 30s and it does not matter now. The left needs better rhetoric.
Example in the Netherlands is that our right wing populist wiped the floor with our left parties leader on healthcare co-pays. He said… I’ll reduce it to 0 immediately. The left said… there is no money for that, we can half it in the next period and reduce further after that. The right won the elections… and it turned out there is not enough money to reduce it to zero… so they can only half it this time around. And the left is doing nothing about this… such weakness.
What would you have them do? Point out the lies of the nazis? People don’t seem to care, they seem to like the lying
Imagine if there was an actual populist candidate on the left with the message “the economy is bad and the ultrawealthy are to blame”. How sick would that be. Public smearing would probably start instantly.