I don’t know why she’s nervous, she clearly knew the spec well and didn’t have to resort to modern abstraction frameworks to serve a simple static site.
It’s overkill for static sites, but credit should be given to JSX for being a decent way to create DOM nodes dynamicly. You can use a JSX transformer without using React, too.
Or hear me out, nobody should give random credit to any framework for no reason whatsoever
The absolute horseshit that things like Facebook consist of make me wonder if half the people who work on it have even made an HTML page from scratch.
yeah, but if you don’t use wordpress to serve 3 static webpages, how will you get repeated business when it doesn’t get hacked in 3 years?
You obviously include a busy loop in JavaScript that takes exponentially more time each year. Then every few years you change the base year
Just make sure the exponential growth is faster than Moore’s law, or they might never notice it.