I am not allowed to credit the site that has this disaster. Its owner said “Nobody should see that”
That’s interesting. Chrome displays it as you intended, Firefox doesn’t. I guess it’s required that the vertical flex be inline-flex
Huh, neat. The last time I looked, chrome was also plagued by this. Might actually re-start some projects I had, but it sucks to have to use chrome.
is indeed necessary since we’re growing left to right and flex would take the entire/fixed width, unless it’s also inside a flexbox.
EDIT: Alright, this is a terrible case because the parent element has flex and therefore no inline-flex is necessary there, but I’d argue it’s the parent element being flex that is redundant, rather than child element being inline.
it sucks to have to use chrome
I also hate to admit it, but Chrome currently is the superior browser.