Democratic political strategy
/genuine question, asides from the obvious of republicans adopting left policy, what would have to happen for another party switch to occur?
like, i know it happened once. wondering what circumstances and context brought that about and if that’s even a realistic framing to think about today’s world?
Knowing Better has a good video about the Party Switch, although I’m not sure it’s applicable to today
There is also the Whig party for reference. They were one of the two parties until they refused to take a meaningful stance on slavery. They were the ‘bipartisanship states rights solves it’ party versus the ‘pro-slavery’ party.
There is no longer a Whig party and the slavery party went to war over a decade or so after the anti slavery parry formed.
So there’s that alternative to Party switch.
I agree. I think we’re at the stage where the Democrats are the Whig party. They aren’t going to change, they need to be replaced with a true progressive party.
Assuming that we continue to be as much of a democracy as we were, now might be the time for that replacement to happen.