So, back to my question you are REALLY trying to avoid: do you have some kind of mental health issues?
Oh wow, you’ve really turned the tables on me there, I don’t know what to do now that you’ve capitalised “really”.
You can’t address anything in the thread. You can’t change your comment. You can’t change your tactic. You just repeat, repeat, repeat. I can address anything. I could even talk about my own mental health issues, which of course I’ve had, I’m an adult. You’re not an adult, and you haven’t recognised any of your own issues (one of which I just diagnosed for you a few comments ago, LOL), I would wager. Which is why you say childish things like “depression is just in your head” (despite being shown very simple science showing you’re incorrect) and which is why you think your question is somehow a gotcha or an insult. It’s genuinely making my belly tickle with laughter that you’re serious about your comments.
Depression isn’t “just in your head.” You’re wrong. But you simply can not accept it. :)