Are there any? I could find proprietary apps doing it from Google’s PlayStore but I really rather use a FOSS alternative if there are any. I tried searching on F-Droid and I couldn’t find any.
Just in case you are not aware of typst, there’s a modern version of latex called typst. It may not yet have all features but if you can live with >90%, I’d switch immediately
Edit: termux can run typst
Apparently there’s a guide on Termux’s official wiki on how to download and use TeX Live from Termux, which is great for anyone already using Termux but I’d prefer not to since that would be the only reason for me to use it and give too many permissions for the app. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Wow, I’ve never heard of it but it looks interestig thanks! For anyone reading this, here’s some links:
Apparently I also found someone made a mobile app editor for Typst, but it’s in another app store called Accrescent (I don’t know if it’s safe? I will do some searches on it to get to know about) The project BeauTyXT official website, GitHub Repository (.apk available on Releases page)