Some, sure. Most of the time, I assume that when people say stupid shit, it’s because they believe something stupid. Usually because their stupid beliefs are parroted in a community of people which are driven by bad actors - like how most conservatives are feeding from the bad actors in Fox News and acting as a self-reinforcing circlejerk of bad opinions.
That’s certainly part of it. There are also those on the far left that would rather see acceleration towards collapse over another moderate in office. They may not have the numbers, but that doesn’t stop the message from affecting undecided voters.
I wouldn’t have described myself that way before this election but I might now. It’s time for America as we know it to cease to exist. I’m not sure what form that should take but this clearly isn’t working anymore.
Now you have Trump as President and Matt Geatz as AG.
I’d say lock up your teenage daughter but Matt will be all over that.
You cannot have America “cease to exist” on its own. Trump will fuck over America, and make it more barbaric in both foreign and domestic affairs, but it will not “stop being America”. I’m sick and tired of people saying “this isn’t America!” when the United States deposes a democratically-elected candidate again, or when its “democracy” gives people the choice between two war-hawks again, or when the FBI spies on people against their will again, or enacts huge tax cuts again, and so on. Sure, since Kamala is slightly less American, I chose Kamala because of harm reduction. But what I want you all to understand is this:
I don’t want the America of the 1990’s. I don’t want the America of the 1950’s. I don’t want the America of the 1920’s, or the 1890’s, or the 1850’s, or some fever-dreamt America “that will someday happen”. I want NO America. I want NO United States Federal Government.
Sure, Russia and China are bad. But I will not acquiesce to the US military for the sake of fending them off. US democracy has never put people in control of their government; instead, it’s been about two warmongers promising to keep things as they are. Ever since 2016, voting has been an act of begging.
Instead of voting to give the government their say, people vote to beg the government not to make draconian laws. Any state will have a happier, freer people if they secede from the Union, defend themselves successfully, and make a fresh start.
Edit: Meant to press “Preview” and pressed something else.