You believe they were all in good faith? I’m convinced some, or even most of the people sending that message got exactly what they wanted.
Some, sure. Most of the time, I assume that when people say stupid shit, it’s because they believe something stupid. Usually because their stupid beliefs are parroted in a community of people which are driven by bad actors - like how most conservatives are feeding from the bad actors in Fox News and acting as a self-reinforcing circlejerk of bad opinions.
That’s certainly part of it. There are also those on the far left that would rather see acceleration towards collapse over another moderate in office. They may not have the numbers, but that doesn’t stop the message from affecting undecided voters.
I wouldn’t have described myself that way before this election but I might now. It’s time for America as we know it to cease to exist. I’m not sure what form that should take but this clearly isn’t working anymore.