That’s all.
EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:
Fuck Microsoft
with absolutely no way to organize it, categorize it, order it, or in any way manage it other than deleting history
But you can pin any chat and you can reorder any pinned chat (and maybe even non-pinned ones - I haven’t checked).
But only 15. Yeah, I hit that limit regularly. I just want to put things in folders. That would be a major improvement.
I want to be able to label chats. I don’t know who Sammy Gupta is, I know we must have spoken to them at some point but it was 2 years ago and I don’t remember who they are, what their role or responsibility is, or anything about them.
Wouldn’t the folder structure kind of defeat the purpose of the messenger vs mail?
Not when you’re expected to use it as a texting/messenger device for work. I have so many threads and DMs through it that I truly need to make it more organized. I’m not alone.
I think when I said stuff you weren’t thinking of threads and chats but that’s what I meant. Apologies.