Yeah, best to go with the guy who says he thinks climate change is a liberal hoax
Ok, one side says it with actions, but the other says it with actions and words.
That sounds like one side being honest.
Drillin’ Joe was sure acting like it was a hoax!
I voted Kamala, but I understand sitting out.
Yeah, given the choice between racism, mass deportations, mass incarcerations of trans people, and abuse of the office to punish his political opponents, and none of those things, I can definitely understand staying home too. They were really the same on all the other issues, and those are the ones that matter.
I didn’t do it, but I respect holding back in this election to demand a better option in the next one.
I hear the next election will be the most important and pivotal ever!
I hope the choices won’t be corpo trash and fascist dictator.
Listen, as a brown person in America, just be honest.
You caea about the genocide of brown people elsewhere, just not here.
It’s OK, the vote is over, you don’t have to deny it anymore, we get it, it’s not like we’re surprised or anything, it’s basically America’s legacy.
The shocking part?
We thought you at least cared about women, but you’re literally no better than the racist sexist fascist neoconfederates that are proud to vote Trump.
Just be honest with your words, your actions already spoke the truth.
You realize the person you replied to already said they voted D…
But even if they didn’t explicitly state it, the ones who didn’t hold their nose aren’t going to be hanging out on political forums.
Why would they?
They’re politically disengaged because “both parties are the same”.
The way to get them involved is moving the party to the left, not the right like we have been. It’s always a great time to start, and the job is never over.
The billionaires won’t stop buying off both parties, we gotta try to save at least one party.
You caea about the genocide of brown people elsewhere, just not here.
What was Biden doing to stop the killing in his own country?
You’ve got states lawlessly executing innocent men. You’ve got women bleeding out on hospital floors because doctors don’t want to be convicted of doing an illegal abortion. Over a million COVID deaths and counting. The rollback of post-COVID economic relief combined with the spike in inflation has driven up national poverty and thrown thousands more Americans out on the street despite millions of vacant units. Storms are killing Americans. Power failures are killing Americans. Lack of pharmaceuticals are killing Americans. Police violence. Vigilantism. The oppressive heat.
Biden’s been in charge though it all.
Just be honest with your words, your actions already spoke the truth.
Right back atcha.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
Bystanders have a duty to step in.
Michael Moore called Trump a Molotov Cocktail in 2016.
Project 2025 is going to reshape the federal government. It is structured as a new constitution. It defines the roles and checks/balances of various government agencies at greater specificity than the constitution.
We need to produce a progressive counter constitution that promises something better.
Project 2025 is a specific deal with America.
We need a better offer, and the people need to trust that the person running will enact it.
You missed the second part: good men to do nothing, and your candidate to make a bunch of shitty shitty decisions.
Believe Climate Change is real, but insist we can’t do anything to stop it as your base is driven insane by the loaming crisis.
Or deny climate change is happening and use your state agents to suppress dissenting views, so that people aren’t terrified all the time.
These are your only two choices.
Thats how our shitty elections work, yes.
But we all know you don’t give a shit, you probably didn’t even bother to register to vote. Joking about how few extra palestinians would die under trump in that other thread is kind of a giveaway you’re not interested in actually doing anything.