That’s when you stretch it out more and face your fears
i’ve dove into the cramp saying fuck you to the universe, and i’ve tried to ignore it, and i’ve tried to hyperventilate through it, nothing makes it go away any quicker
Friend came limping over one day. Our other friend watched him rolling around in agony for almost 20 minutes.
“Dude! You can stretch it and it goes away instantly!”
That’s for a normal cramp. There are cramps that stretching does not help and you’re just going to be in pain for the next 3 to 5 days.
Those are the fucking worst.
Yeah for the unlucky some of us when a cramp hits, nothing helped. Fuck I’ve even tried running up and down stairs at 3am. Doing full stretches etc. Turns out good chance you’re low on magnesium or potassium or maybe Manganese? I don’t remember but the wife shoves one of the 3 in my mouth when she’s had enough of my whining and I’m good for a while with no cramps at night.