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-2 points

The “Jews control the media” is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that’s probably at least a century old at this point.

When faced with facts that contradict Jews controlling everything, you try to rationalize that it’s somehow the part of a Jew plot to to downplay how much influence they have.

When you’re this dedicated to antisemitic conspiracy theories don’t act so hurt what someone calls out your antisemitism. Either accept your world view might need some adjustment or accept that you’re just gonna be an antisemite for the rest of your miserable life. If you’re gonna be a racist asshole at least be honest about it.

2 points

I didn’t say that. I was speaking about how vocal Jews are about being Jewish. Namely Jewish people in media not everyday people on the street.

I was not talking about people speaking about Jews.

What are you suggesting here. That there are no famous Jews? Or that famous Jews never talk about being Jewish? I’m confused.




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