How many sibling you could have if your father didn’t jerk off too. At which point you consider it an human ? Siblings can be great but you are sure you want a lot of them?
Pretty big difference between jerking off into a sock and ripping a baby apart limb by limb then crushing its skull.
XD there is a big chance that you troll , hat off you got me: D. If not you have to know that during a big period of the pregnancy the baby is not alive and even if he was did you consider that may be if his mother goes to the end of her pregnancy but don’t / can’t take care of her baby he will have a shitty life and his mother too? If you want a baby even a baby that was not planned well you keep it.
The baby is alive during the entire pregnancy. Abortionists make the claim that it’s not or it’s a “clump of cells” to excuse their actions (murder). Adoption is always a choice the child’s parents could pursue. And killing a baby because it might have a “shitty life” is just a pathetic argument. Would you rather have a shitty life or be dead? Most people would rather be alive but the baby doesn’t even get a choice in the matter.
What limbs and skull are you even talking about?
At that stage of pregnancy, you don’t have a miniature human, it is a bunch of cells.
Also, you can also just use chemical abortion methods, where you don’t physically suck of the bunch of cells.
And I really wonder, why you don’t value the life of the child bearing mother.