If you’re feeling bold, check out the NeoVim VSCode plugin. It’s delightful.
It’s essentially the VSCode remote plugin, but connecting to the NeoVim back-end.
It gives all the functionality of NeoVim along with all the functionality of VSCode.
Also, annecdotaly, it’s substantially faster than the VSVim plugin.
I’ve had issues with that one because I’m using VS Codium flatpak. I’ve exposed system binaries and the extension found the nvim binary, yet it kept erroring out with the message that Nvim was disconnected. VSVim is better in that regard for my case, because it is a stand-alone extension.
I saw an error like that, too. (Also with the flatpak.)
I want to say I had an error in my init.vim
that was the underlying cause, and the error message cleared up once I had that fixed. I also had to make sure both executables were on my path, and I had to correct where the NeoVim plugin was looking for Nvim, as well, in settings.json.
I didn’t have any errors in the init.vim
file because I didn’t have any. I added an example init.lua
file with contents from here and configured the extension to pull this config file, yet it still says Nvim disconnected each time I restart it. I just gave up and resorted to VSVim