Meme transcription:
Panel 1: Bilbo Baggins ponders, “After all… why should I care about the difference between int and String?
Panel 2: Bilbo Baggins is revealed to be an API developer. He continues, “JSON is always String, anyways…”
The point is that everything is expressable as JSON numbers, it’s when those numbers are read by JS there’s an issue
I am not sure what could be the example, my point was that the spec and the RFC are very abstract and never mention any limitations on the number content. Of course the implementations in the language will be more limited than that, and if limitations are different, it will create dissimilar experience for the user, like this: Why does JSON.parse corrupt large numbers and how to solve this
This is what I was getting at here (although I had a typo and said big instead of bug). The problem is with the parser in those circumstances, not the serialization format or language.