And every four fucking years of my entire voting lifetime is an influx of ignorant pseudo-intellectual blowhard nonsense about third parties that- similar to their devoted followers…. don’t do jack shit between elections.
I want to go live with the fucking socialist Linux penguins in Antarctica.
Please do.
2000 Presidential Election, Florida
GEORGE W. BUSH: 2,912,790 votes
AL GORE: 2,912,253 votes
That’s where the Green Party gave us Bush, Cheney and the Neo-cons. Thanks for playing.
Its a false logic to think you can just add those votes to the person you like because you think if they had their choice taken away they would agree with you.
There are literal people that raged violence against the poll workers and right wing lawyers that managed to convince a state to not do its duties and those people you can and should be mad at.
All Gore even dropped before he should have and was part of the argument used against him trying to get a recount because he wanted to be “respectful”.
This answer is just easier blame cause they are easier to feel like you can win against them in a fight compared to the wider corruption.
Did you ask the person I responded to to show on your little doll where the liberals hurt them?
Because in a perfect little make-believe socialist society, we’re ALL equal, right?
So show that equality! Come on now. Don’t be shy. Be the change you want to see!!!
In was just poking fun at you clearly referencing the green party but calling it all third parties.