I’m surprised they would implement having just run0 effectively log you in as root. For the super security conscious constrictions of the command versus sudo, it would seem that the very notion of elevating your privilege beyond the single command to be carried out, would be anathema to the whole goal of this new command. Evidently not, but it’s surprising to me.
you can run a command using run0 it’s only elevating that commads, sometimes it’s needed to login as root, it’s life
I’m trying to understand what you just wrote. Did you miss a period somewhere?
They did not miss anything. They just used commas where periods should be.
You can run a command using run0. It’s only elevating that command. Sometimes it’s needed to login as root. It’s life.
The way it is written, semi-colons may be more appropriate but that would be a lot of them.