Where are these municipalities?
These are US signs and this isn’t a thing anywhere that I have traveled to across the US other than the 40 minimum on some interstates and highways.
Every municipality has some form of minimum speed law, do you want me to list every single one? You even provide an example of places they are used… and want to argue they don’t exist…? What?
Can you provide an example of a place without any minimum speed laws?
In Kansas, every single street that isn’t a highway, and most highways don’t have minimums.
Outside of Kansas I have never personally seen them posted on anything other than highways either.
I have seen general traffic laws about not impeding traffic by going unreasonably slow, but no posted minimums.
Maybe brush up on your traffic laws dude
Kansas allows ANY municipality to set specific minimum road limits… look at that!
Again, can you provide a municipality or even a state that doesn’t have a minimum speed law? I’ve even made it easier for you.
In Ohio it’s always 20 less than current max, they just teach you it in drivers ed rather than posting it