I acquired this older Black & Decker Hedge trimmer and it seems to have a special kind of cord. Any idea where I could find this cord or what its called? I have not been able to even figure out what the cord looks like yet.
UPDATE: I cut off the extra plastic to get access to plug it in and the tool doesn’t even work anyways. Time for the garbage.
Does it look like the prongs have dropped into the case further than they’re supposed to be? My old trimmer was very similar but the prongs stuck out quite a bit more so that you could use any regular old extension cord on it. I’d try gently pulling on the prongs to see if you can get them out of that recess in the plastic. People are suggesting using an ungrounded cord but I don’t think they’re very common or easy to find.
I tried to pull them out but they don’t seem to move. I’ll try harder if I can’t find a cord. Thanks!