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Okay but unironically candy pizza is good

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The weirdest pizza we have in America, which people actually eat, is the one with pineapple. And that shit is gross and whoever created it should be shot. But british baked beans is even worse. I don’t want my beans in a bland tomato sauce. If you’re going to call something baked beans, at least do it the right way.


Food Crimes - Offenses against nutrition


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Welcome to Food Crimes! This community is here to collect all and any post about cursed food and generally unusual consumables.

Right now, here’s the rules:

  1. Posts must include an image or video containing food or drink.
  2. It must be unusual or cursed in some way. a. For example, something like Doritos Milk would be unusual, but normal milk would not.
  3. No AI posts whatsoever, and any images that were altered (Ex: Photoshop, Gimp) need to be tagged.

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  • Edited - The image was manipulated with editing software.
  • OC - You made this cursed food yourself!
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