Our boi is not even back from the hospital yet and we’re halfway to our goal of $3k… I feel so insanely fortuitous and appreciative. Thank you again for offering to chip in. <3
Blocked urinary tract D:
He went from totally normal to hiding from us and refusing to eat all day. We brought him into the vet and she IMMEDIATELY looked horrified and said “I need to make a call”, then rushed us off to an emergency hospital who informed us that if we had waited another day, he had a super high risk of dying… I guess this is a thing that can happen with boi kitties.
So they had to put him under heavy sedation, put a catheter in, and keep him for a day to flush his bladder. There’s still crystals as of the morning but he’s showing great progress!
Alas, what we thought was going to be a 500-700USD vet bill is now a LITTLE BIT MORE… the deposit to leave him there was 2.7k, and it could be up to another thousand, which is the reason we tried a fundraiser.