“Its not usury, if we call it interest because our God is a moron.”
Christians apparently.
All the Abrahamic religions have these hilarious workarounds, like just leaving your oven on all Sabbath to avoid using a machine
Oh for sure and, as I imagine you know too, for me, the saddest part is, if their religion were ever found to be true, none of these work around they think they found would work.
I think it was Mormon teens that started “soaking”. It was decided by them that sex wasn’t actually sex unless you were thrusting back and fourth. Just sticking it in and not moving was fine.
Then, logically, it’s still not sex so long as you aren’t the ones trying to move while you’re soaking, so if a third friend happened to be bouncing on the bed and it was causing the motion of sex, that’s still OK too.