Hello comrades! Friendly reminder that American leftists continue to be threatened by gun loving conservatives. You should know how to defend yourself and you should probably own a gun. Find an active SRA, John Brown Gun Club, or (if things are dire) pink pistols or other “apolitical” gun club.
I’ve been in the SRA for 4 years, it’s not great, but I met comrades local to me. I’ve learned a lot from them and fash who post good firearms advice and I love to share that when I can.
Open for questions and I’ll post more getting started stuff if this doesn’t get banned.
You sound like someone who’s fallen for neoliberal propaganda and who basically is the perfect spokesman for the needs of capitalism.
You clearly believe you understand that. Just as I understand the people who benefit from class infighting and alienating potential allies. Just as I understand the type of character that responds poorly to their ideas being challenged. Just as I understand the left has its own flavor of gravy seals.