A niche band from Asia I loved as a teenager disbanded in the early 2000s. Due to legal reasons their work is in forever limbo, no Spotify, official YouTube etc. Best you can get is 2nd hand CDs on online marketplaces for a premium.
One guy was seeding a 4GB torrent over on PirateBay from 2008 with every song, music video, numerous interviews etc. Reasons like this is why pirating needs to stay alive. Legend made me want to seed it with him longterm. Now we’re 2 seeders strong.
Keep sailing pirates, and whenever possible please seed.
EDIT: For those asking the band is the Japanese band Malice Mizer. The torrent in question is https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=4158529 And I love seeing how a few of you guys know the band and getting hit by nostalgia. Enjoy
We all need to be our own archivists in this day and age. The internet isn’t forever, it’s a constantly burning Library of Alexandria. I’m glad you found your lost media again.
Society and everything as a whole.
It would need government level of intervention but even that might not be enough.
Just take a look at regular public libraries on how they fare. They look like they barely scrape by at times.
IA is not a sustainable project, and is built as a single point of failure. It has no transparency and no recovery plan if things go bad. Compare that to Anna’s Archive, a project that open sources all of their code and data so that things will continue running even if everyone involved disappears.
Ask yourself: if IA’s data was silently modified, would anyone be able to tell?