I am looking for a new backpack for every day carry where I always want my camera gear with me (a DSLR, a filter and a couple of extra lenses).

I am looking at the Ramverk Pro Backpack (26L) with their small camera insert.

I like:

  • The simplicity
  • The design
  • The large main compartment
  • Being able to simply add or remove all camera gear by adding or removing the camera insert

I don’t like:

  • No water bottle holder
  • No quick access to camera
  • To few images showcasing the insert in the bag

Do any of you have this setup? Do you like it?

Would you recommend something else?

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2 points

Take a look at the wandrd prvke. The name is stupid but the bag is well built and really comfortable.

1 point

I have been looking at the wandrd prvke, both the 21 and the 31 L versions, but my concern is that even the essential camera cube takes up to much space for my needs.

All I need is my camera with 1 lens attached, 2 lenses and a couple of filters really. I would like to have the rest of the bag be for clothes or whatever I’d like to pack with me for a weekend trip.

What is your experience on this? Does the roll top expand the capacity a lot? How does it look when fully rolled out and packed to capacity? What have you managed to fit in it when packing it to its capacity?

Thanks for helping with my desicion :)

1 point

The roll top does expand nicely and fits quite a bit of stuff. The aesthetics of a filled roll top isn’t great, but I’m not the most stylish person, so take that with a grain of salt.

I’ve mostly packed a jacket, beanie, some snacks. Nothing too much.

If all you have is one camera and two lenses, you might consider just getting a camera insert that you can throw into any bag. It’d be way cheaper. I have a few from Tenba and they’re quite nice.

1 point

The roll top expansion will only be needed every now and then, so aesthetics for those times are not critical.

The problem I see with a camera insert in a small bag is that the access to the camera will still be inconvenient. Especially when packing stuff other than camera gear.

I like the look and features of the prvke, but the camera part might be a bit overkill for my gear. At least for the time being. I am considering upgrading to a Sony full frame mirrorless though.




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