Did he just say the Atomic bombs were not that bad??? The Fucking ATOMIC BOMBS?!
Can we just drop one on his house now?
This is the same guy who told Steven Colbert he wants to nuke the Martian poles.
To which Colbert replied, “Are you SURE you’re not a supervillain?”
That was in 2016.
To be fair, that’s not totally outlandish and no one lives on Mars. It’s a fast way to inject heat. Is it actually a good idea with the radiation? Idk. I’ve seen it proposed for terraforminf before though.
The collateral damage would be awful. Don’t punish people for being unlucky enough to live next to Musk.
I know it wasn’t. I still feel bad that he likely has neighbors.
Imaging having to live next door to him after the bullshit with the X sign at twitter headquarters.