Yes, attacking armed settlers, each of which is a trained soldier when you’re breaking out of a concentration camp is 100% OK.
You’d be crying for the poor german civilians killed during the Warsaw uprising. No questioning what they were doing around the warsaw ghetto.'im_music_festival_massacre
You are a monster, these where innocent people that were massacred and r*ped by HAMAS.
And the best response is that “It was actually the Jews, not HAMAS, that killed all those people” is pathetic.
According to reports published on 17 November, the police concluded based on interrogations and their investigations that Hamas did not know about the festival beforehand
It was between Hamas and the military objective. Israeli helicopters fired indiscriminately on the festival-goers so there’s no high-ground here.
But yeah if you attend a music festival outside a concentration camp, you deserve what you get. In a just world, Zone Of Interest ends with the happy families outside the camp getting massacred by its inhabitants.