

3 posts • 27 comments
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I wonder why the world outside a limited subset of the Linux ecosystem is - at most - an afterthought for Fediverse developers.

I hate to break this to you, but OpenBSD is an antiquated OS masquerading as a modern one, and OpenBSD’s lack of willingness to support modern standards results in the difficulty you’re having.

OpenBSD feels like it’s been duct taped together for decades. Anything “new” seems to just be, “sorry, not possible.” The OpenBSD kernel doesn’t support WiFi 5GHz. The OpenBSD kernel doesn’t support even the minimum subset of isolation features in order for Docker to function properly. Why? Because OpenBSD refuses to add these features to their kernel. There are very likely other syscalls and basic features any given open source project needs, even if it’s not being run in Docker, that simply do not exist under OpenBSD due to the very limited kernel it provides.

You’re upset because open source projects don’t support a platform that is old and developer-hostile. Turn your frustrations on OpenBSD - these projects would gladly support OpenBSD if they could.


That’s irrelevant to this discussion. I was talking about OpenBSD’s lack of kernel features and driver support.

As for the Linux vs OpenBSD terminal comment, I feel like you’re grasping. What does OpenBSD’s terminal do better? We have had augmentations on top of the Linux terminal for years, adding things like auto complete and syntax suggestions that the 80’s could never have dreamed of.


Alternate headline: Users test using only YouTube ReVanced to bypass this new system


Will you only be supporting yourself and maybe a small subset of users? If you don’t need your instance to scale, you can (shameless self plug) try my deployment script to get yourself running.

It just uses the recommended Postgres configuration as seen in the deployment files in Lemmy’s official repo. It would just be in a Docker volume on disk, so if you had thoughts of scaling in the future, and wanted to use a managed Postgres service, I would not recommend using my script.

I run an instance just for myself, CPU resources are so low that pretty much anything you can get in the cloud will be good. Disk space is a much more important factor. In terms of just Lemmy-created data, my personal 10-day instance has stored about 6.2GB of data. 2.4GB of this is just thumbnails. Note that this does not include other things that consume resources, such as my Docker images or my Docker build cache, which I clear manually.

So, that is roughly 640MB of new data generated per day. Your experience will vary depending on how many communities you subscribe to, but that’s a good rough estimate. Round it up to 700MB to have a safer estimate. But remember, this is with Lemmy’s current rate of activity. If the amount of posts and comments doubles, triples in the future, my storage requirements will likely go up considerably.

I am genuinely not sure what long-term Lemmy maintenance looks like in terms of releasing disk space. I can clear my thumbnail data and be fine, but I wonder what’s going to happen with the postgres database. Is there some way to prune old data out of it to save space? Will my cloud storage costs become so unreasonable in a year, that I’ll have to stop hosting Lemmy? These are the questions I don’t have answers to yet.

If there is something clever you can do to plan ahead and save yourself disk space costs in the future (like, are managed Postgres services cheaper to host than on disk ones?), I’d recommend doing that.

EDIT: Turns out ~90% of my Lemmy data is just for debugging and not needed:



They didn’t even address what will happen when Facebook starts aggregating data from instances federated with Threads:

  • Vote/Like data
  • Follow relationships
  • Text sentiment analysis
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Periods of activity
  • etc

Heck, not only did this post not address it, it seems like they tried to downplay it.

Facebook is an analytics company. Even if it’s not mission critical to the function of Threads, they will scoop up data sent to Threads, they will use it to create profiles on every single non-Threads user they can, and they will sell that data.

It doesn’t even matter if it violates privacy laws; the laws are toothless to companies as large as Facebook. They’ll just be made to pay a fine and carry on as they are.

Yes, interoperability would be a win, but not when it comes from a company that has routinely demonstrated they abuse every crumb of data they can get their hands on.


Not only did I add threads.net to my blocked instances list, I also went scorched Earth and outright blocked Facebook’s entire IP range through my firewall. Don’t want them “accidentally” reading any data from my server ;)

For reference, their IP range is

Edit: Actually, I might have more IPs to block:



You can make “brand accounts” on YouTube that are a completely different profile from the default account. She probably won’t notice if you make one and switch her to it.

You’ll probably want to spend some time using it for yourself secretly to curate the kind of non-radical content she’ll want to see, and also set an identical profile picture on it so she doesn’t notice. I would spend at least a week “breaking it in.”

But once you’ve done that, you can probably switch to the brand account without logging her out of her Google account.


Been running CalyxOS for 3 years. Compile it myself from source with some extra tweaks and such. I’ve even got a nice build server going that automatically compiles builds monthly and pushes updates to my phone via OTAs. It was a little work to get set up, but now it doesn’t feel any different from the stock Android experience.

It started because I was tired of all the unchecked spying Google does, and I wanted to get away from that. But now I can never go back to “regular” Android, because the vendor bloat in “stock” ROMs is incessant, and I am maintaining patches for quite a few features Google has either removed, or never supported in the first place (2-button navigation, AM/PM clock, automatic call recording).

Honestly, there hasn’t been any drawbacks. The phone works perfectly, calls are fine, it runs great, and I haven’t needed Google Play Services for basically anything. My banking app still works. I don’t use Google Pay so I don’t really care that it doesn’t work. Android wearOS doesn’t work, but at this point Google has dropped the ball so severely, I don’t have the motivation to bother with a smartwatch.

Most of my paid apps continue to work without patches, and I get them from Aurora Store. For the ones that don’t work, I just patch them myself to remove the license checks. I paid for them, so I should be able to use them regardless of what ROM I use.


its not a noble cause to pay some dude who made an app we dont need

Do you think professional independent developers shouldn’t be paid for their work? Do you think this kind of development is effortless?

I don’t understand why people keep parroting this. The app is free. It’s a professionally developed app, where the quality tradeoff is either ads (which can be blocked) or your choice of ad removal payments.

This isn’t some company trying to exploit the community here, this is a full time app developer who just had his livelihood completely cut off. People begged him to make a version for Lemmy, and he did. He deserves to be paid for the hours and work he put in to make it happen. You can’t make an app if you can’t buy food or pay rent.

And if you don’t like that, then don’t use it. He’s never pressured users into paying, and he’s never suggested everyone on Lemmy should just send him money. He isn’t even spamming posts advertising the app, enthusiastic users are.

Why is everyone so upset?


No one is calling you a cheapskate. It’s just that when you said this:

its not a noble cause to pay some dude who made an app we dont need

…in context, it comes off as “Sync is not necessary to exist, therefore no one should pay him.”

I understand what you mean now, but you worded it terribly.

And by the way, going around in the comments being unnecessarily hostile and calling people “dumbfuck” or “asshole,” when they were just as confused at your poor phrasing, makes you come off as an asshole, so maybe work on that :)
