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You guys make this sound like some kind of doomsday movie.

I’m not downplaying how bad things are, but if you really have the several thousand dollars you’d need to actually uproot your entire life just sitting around, good for you. Most people don’t have that kind of free money.

And good luck moving if you have pets, or have family members you care for. Have you guys even been to your “target” countries? Do you have plans for how you’ll make income? How does healthcare work in your target country?

If you have all that figured out, and have nothing to leave behind, then good for you, I really do hope you end up better off. But this panicked response of “What are you waiting for, run!!!” is way more entitled than people seem to think.


Everyone sees this notice, I saw it on the official desktop Firefox client. They’re just trying to reach as many people as possible.


They have to restrict themselves to pickpocketing roaming NPC fascists.

What? Fascists? RuneScape doesn’t have…

Oh. HAM, I almost forgot about those guys.


OF requires strict government issued ID verification in some jurisdictions. Patreon does not, at least in the US.

That should be your deciding factor already. No one should have their privacy invaded just to send you a few bucks a month.


Be aware, it’s not free as in costs $0, it’s free as a “Giveaway,” where you must accept these terms:

By clicking the ‘Add to library’ button, I agree to receive marketing communications from GOG and CD PROJEKT on my email address and through GOG services and GOG’s Trusted Partners’ services, to get Shadows: Awakening. See our Privacy policy.


I don’t have the same issue. Fennec from F-Droid runs at 120Hz even with tabs open

The indicator does flicker between 60 and 120 while the page is loading, but it’s not perceptible. However, if what I’m seeing means the FPS goes down to 60 while the app is busy, this may be some kind of performance throttling done to keep resource usage low. If you have lower end specs, this may be the explanation. I’m on a Pixel 6 Pro.


Why is everyone up in arms about this? The abuse of their free service was rampant. This isn’t a core project change, this is just a measure to keep a version of the project up for free without completely taking it down. They don’t even have a way to monetize this. An alternative was to simply shut it down and only allow you to self host it.

I self host my Jitsi instance, but as a privacy nut, I don’t see a problem with this. Absolute privacy cannot always coexist with free anonymous services. Don’t blame Jitsi, blame the people who ruined it for everyone else.


No one is calling you a cheapskate. It’s just that when you said this:

its not a noble cause to pay some dude who made an app we dont need

…in context, it comes off as “Sync is not necessary to exist, therefore no one should pay him.”

I understand what you mean now, but you worded it terribly.

And by the way, going around in the comments being unnecessarily hostile and calling people “dumbfuck” or “asshole,” when they were just as confused at your poor phrasing, makes you come off as an asshole, so maybe work on that :)


its not a noble cause to pay some dude who made an app we dont need

Do you think professional independent developers shouldn’t be paid for their work? Do you think this kind of development is effortless?

I don’t understand why people keep parroting this. The app is free. It’s a professionally developed app, where the quality tradeoff is either ads (which can be blocked) or your choice of ad removal payments.

This isn’t some company trying to exploit the community here, this is a full time app developer who just had his livelihood completely cut off. People begged him to make a version for Lemmy, and he did. He deserves to be paid for the hours and work he put in to make it happen. You can’t make an app if you can’t buy food or pay rent.

And if you don’t like that, then don’t use it. He’s never pressured users into paying, and he’s never suggested everyone on Lemmy should just send him money. He isn’t even spamming posts advertising the app, enthusiastic users are.

Why is everyone so upset?


Been running CalyxOS for 3 years. Compile it myself from source with some extra tweaks and such. I’ve even got a nice build server going that automatically compiles builds monthly and pushes updates to my phone via OTAs. It was a little work to get set up, but now it doesn’t feel any different from the stock Android experience.

It started because I was tired of all the unchecked spying Google does, and I wanted to get away from that. But now I can never go back to “regular” Android, because the vendor bloat in “stock” ROMs is incessant, and I am maintaining patches for quite a few features Google has either removed, or never supported in the first place (2-button navigation, AM/PM clock, automatic call recording).

Honestly, there hasn’t been any drawbacks. The phone works perfectly, calls are fine, it runs great, and I haven’t needed Google Play Services for basically anything. My banking app still works. I don’t use Google Pay so I don’t really care that it doesn’t work. Android wearOS doesn’t work, but at this point Google has dropped the ball so severely, I don’t have the motivation to bother with a smartwatch.

Most of my paid apps continue to work without patches, and I get them from Aurora Store. For the ones that don’t work, I just patch them myself to remove the license checks. I paid for them, so I should be able to use them regardless of what ROM I use.
