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In no particular order:

  • Finally do those after-class reading + tutoring sessions for kids in my daughter’s school.
  • Sign up for shifts on the “Good-Night-Bus” in my local town that looks after homeless people during night-time.
  • Play hand-pan, guitar & other random instruments at local relaxation spots to add to the overall atmosphere of “the good life”
  • regularly offer my handymen skills to my neighborhood via local web-platform and also contribute to “Repair-Cafés” as a helping hand
  • Find a local community-garden project to help out at so that the city stays 0.1% greener than without me
  • Offer my yet-currently-relevant professional skills (Frontend / WebPerf / CDNs / DevOps) to a NGO that couldn’t usually afford my wages (again: preferably something relevant to my region to feel a sense of impact)
  • Keep maintaining my OpenSource repositories and publish new ideas ASAP to prevent Software Patents