A horror movie begins with a group consisting of a himbo, his black friend, his ditzy hot girlfriend and his doting grandmother, who dies first?
A cornered animal is dangerous, and will do anything it deems necessary to ensure its own survival. I don’t disagree with you here, but there will come a reckoning about this and it won’t be a fun time for most people. It may even come as early as the upcoming 2024 election.
This is the most absolutely buck wild and inefficient version of this idea I’ve ever seen, ever. Director AI’s have existed over a decade, and have already been used to solve problems exactly like these. If I was Joel and was woken up at 2am to go drop a couple more bugs on Leedle III I’d tell my entire management team to eat shit and do it themselves. What the fuck. Who came up with this? This is half baked as hell
I genuinely believe something like this is what some of my professors wanted me to submit back in school. I once got a couple points off a project for not having a clarifying comment on every single line of code. I got points off once for not comment-clarifying a fucking iterator variable. I wish I could see what they would have said if I turned in something like this. I have a weird feeling that this file would have received full marks.
Teaching someone the wrong way to do something frequently makes the right way make way more sense. Someone who just copy/pasted 99 near identical if statements understands on a fundamental level when, why, and where you use a for loop much more than someone who just read in the textbook “a for loop is used to iterate elements in a collection”.
Fuck that I still unironically enjoy electro swing
Booty Swing was a gateway drug and Parov Stelar is a legendary musician
They know it’s rigged because they’re the ones rigging the damn things
It’s impossible for them to understand the idea that the Democrats might not also be desperately trying to counter-rig every election, and rather just have such a shit ton more voters outside the hostile voting environments that they still occasionally pull out a win now and then