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Honestly, this is kind of a weird question. It’s Google. They collect all of it. Every picture, every note, every keystroke. All of it.

The answer to "what information does GOOGLE SERVICE collect is always all of it.

  • Use like half the recommend amount of laundry detergent. Unless your clothes are filthy, it’s plenty, it’ll save you money, and it’s better for the environment.
  • Add 1/4 cup white vinegar as if it were liquid fabric softener (the food grade stuff, not the house cleaning stuff). This aids the detergent and acts as a mild fabric softener. It rinces completely in the wash and doesn’t leave an odor.
  • Use dryer balls - 2 ot 3 balls of felted wool about the size of a tennis ball - in place of dryer sheets. They do almost as well at killing static and softening clothes without the chemical residue.

And, finally…

  • Wash your clothes less often. Generally speaking, unless they’re visibly dirty or smell, they don’t need to be washed. This doesn’t apply to socks or undergarments - those should typically be washed, or at least rinced out, with every wear.

Edit: clarification, with thanks to antimidas who pointed it out!


I agree about pocket, but… I thought Weave was just renamed/rebranded to Sync.


I mean, you’re not wrong. I just can’t bring myself to use a chromium based browser unless I have no other choice. So here I am on Librewolf…


It depends. Do you play stuff with kernel level anticheat? If no, then the current state of Linux gaming is, by and large as good as, and occasionally better than, Windows - even on games that don’t run natively.

Proton is astounding, and the state of Wine is amazing compared to 10 years ago (and it wasn’t bad then). Get Bottles or Play on Linux going, plus Steam, and there’s very little you can’t do…

Except kernel level anticheat.

(To be 100% transparent, there are other issues. I have a couple games I can’t get to run reliability, but they’re all obscure edge cases. But like 90% of stuff without anticheat just works at this point.)

Edit: proofreading

  • The whole set of NES Mega-Man games had amazing soundtracks, although 2 is the best. There’s barely a story there, but the gameplay is solid.
  • Final Fantasy VI has Dancing Mad, and that alone would be enough, but the whole damn thing is just amazing, especially the Opera.
  • Similarly, Final Fantasy VII had a stellar soundtrack, including the holy-shit-this-is-amazing One Winged Angel.
    • All Final Fantasy games have great soundtracks, but these two are my faves
  • Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn’t second it. Not much story there, but I’ve been playing it for like 12 years and I’m still happy every time I start it up.
  • The Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on all have bangin’ soundtracks. Oblivion had the best one (although Morrowind and Skyrim are both better games, IMHO).
  • Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar of all things had a phenomenal soundtrack. Seriously, it it was one of the first games in the US to have its soundtrack sold in stores. And it stands up.

I’ll add more if I think of them. Most of the others I can think of have already been mentioned.


  • Chrono Cross, I can’t believe I forgot it! That OP is unforgettable, and yet somehow I managed to forget it! The game itself pales in comparison to its predecessor (Chrono Trigger, which also has a great soundtrack), but it’s not bad.
  • On a similar note, the original Wild Arms had an excellent soundtrack with a western theme. Actually, the whole Wild Arms series has good music, but I just couldn’t get past one of the main mechanics that showed up in 2 and stick around.
  • Another one I can’t believe I forgot, Nights: into Dreams had the best soundtrack on the Sega Saturn. It’s just perfect for the game, not a bad tune in there.

It looks nice, the specs are great, and I want one, but seriously… Nvidia? Why?


I recently got into a long, really dumb argument. I used the phrase “lesser of two evils” and what seemed like fifty people (actually two or three) seemed to think that meant I approved of, strenuously endorsed, and would defend the actions of the “lesser evil.”

To me, this seemed like a basic misunderstanding of what the phrase meant, so I defined it. Their response to my definition was to say the same sort of thing they’d already said while claiming to totally know what “lesser of two evils” meant.

I lost my cool, and explained what the phrase meant again. One of the folks explained themselves calmly while the others seemed to think I was a congenital idiot because I kept repeating myself.

I don’t want this to get any longer, so I’ll just say that we were talking past each other. Nobody (well, except fr the one guy who stopped to explain what he meant) was really comprehending what the other person said. So everyone was a dumbass, basically. Story of my life, really.

At least, I think that’s what happened. Watch the asshole who called me a liar and an idiot show up here to not explain how I’m a liar and an idiot again.
