Are quickies made from a safe plastic for this? Legit we are being told about toxic tampons and pads, forever chemicals in period panties…
fake nails aren’t historically made from something that should be “inside” the body. PSA : short cut, CLEAN, natural, unpainted nails won’t fall off “inside” anyone.;)
I’m sorry this has happened to you. You’re not in the wrong for calling this out. People going through trauma from natural disasters don’t appreciate these types of movies, just like SA victims don’t like hearing that consent is annoying. This is why it’s important for content creators to give content warnings for serious issues (like natural disasters, discussing homicide etc) if they care about their followers.
Yes! Steel toe shoes (or closed toe heavier duty shoes, and safety glasses too because if a rock flies up and hits regular sunglasses, you are not protected! And if you do not have a battery powered mower, that is quieter, you should be wearing ear protection. Denim is awesome as a thick fabric for lawn mowing if you don’t have work pants.
Can confirm (worked on a few) that these movies are push push push and the big names get shot first and fast, rarely meet any cast and then it’s up to editing crew etc to make it happen quickly. Most big names forget they’ve done them by the time they end up on streaming services (as one told me). Most filmed in summer and fall too, not greatest accommodations, not glamorous.
You did what you could as someone who saw abuse of a minor online. She exploits L “ As a verb, exploit commonly means to selfishly take advantage of someone in order to profit from them or otherwise benefit oneself. As a noun, exploit means a notable or heroic accomplishment. ”
Apparently the endangerment of a child (putting them in very inappropriate situations for the world to see) isn’t something that social media cares about. This is just wrong.
Not shocking that S doesn’t see it as an immediate red flag for the world, since she doesn’t respect consent and she doesn’t give a sh*t about refugees, starving kids, war or trans kids.
It’s why I blocked influencers and other garbage. As long as they’re making money not even her friends who have called out similarly inappropriate things in the past will speak up. I cannot imagine knowing her IRL and not being concerned for L. If this is on camera, then what isn’t being shown? It’s s*xual abuse, exploitation and manipulation. I can’t believe anyone chooses money and popularity over a safe and healthy life for their children. This is a new low.