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Flatpacks are very restrictive by design. While this is a good thing in many cases, it makes it very difficult for tools like EmuDeck to work properly. For example, automatically installing other applications (in this case: emulators) isn‘t easily possible. This would make a flatpak version of Emudeck pretty much useless.

While I understand your concerns, I think installing an AppImage which has been built on Github from open source code just isn‘t all that risky.


It‘s worth noting that this has been going on for quite a while now in Europe. Two of Germany‘s largest retailers, Edeka and Rewe, don‘t stock products from quite a few companies like Mars, PepsiCo and Procter&Gamble anymore. Edeka even went to court with Coca-Cola because of their ludicrous price increases in 2022.

And both retailers haven’t shied away from making these issues very public. They‘ve often put signs into the empty shelves explaining the situation in detail.

They are obviously more afraid of having to explain those massive price hikes to customers, than they are of not stocking these products at all. Which, seeing how little the manufacturing costs actually increased while profits for the manufacturers surged, is definitely a good thing for consumers.


I think you should be able to see your current amount of searches in your billing settings.

I use Kagi Ultimate since September now and really enjoy it. The search results are mostly equal or better in quality than Google‘s (far less SEO spam) and being able to customize search rankings for specific sites is something I wouldn’t want to miss anymore.

I like using Kagi‘s assistant (AI) features as well, because it supports multiple backends (OpenAI, Anthropic and Google), so if one AI spouts garbage, I can try another one.


My Windows usage according to Steam went down from 62% in 2022 to 15% in 2023 and I totally expect it to go even lower than that in 2024.

I‘ve set myself the goal of not „upgrading“ to Windows 11 on my gaming rig, so I have to get Windows down to 0% by the end of Windows 10’s support in October 2025.

Seeing how things are currently going for Linux, I‘m really not too worried about that.


I‘ve been using Kagi since September as well and I can only recommend giving it a try.

Being able to personalize search rankings is something I definitely wouldn‘t want to miss anymore.

One thing I’d like to mention is that they‘re also really great at listening to feedback. For example, they recently added an indicator for potentially paywalled sites to the search results, because users have suggested it.


Yes, we will. This was also specifically demanded by the EU and has to be implemented by March 6th 2024.

It’s being said that Google and Mozilla already have iOS-versions of Chrome and Firefox ready for this.


It‘s probably important to mention that the entire video team is gone. Some of them were fired, so the rest walked. They‘re planning to go independent soon.

Edit: Their new channel will be SecondWindGroup. They’ll do a livestream on November 8th at 11 AM CT, explaining their plans for the future. (Source)


I think it‘s different enough to scratch a different itch from time to time. Sure, the general setting and some basic mechanics are similar to AoE2‘s, but overall the game plays very differently. For example, I really like that there are fundamental differences in the play styles of different civilizations. I‘d really recommend giving AoE4 a shot, if you want to play an RTS besides AoE2.


Ich mag Exklusivtitel auch nicht, glaube aber, dass sich das finanziell schon lohnt.

Wenn Microsoft Starfield auch auf der Playstation herausbringt, haben sie zwar kurzfristig mehr Einnahmen, aber sie binden die Spieler nicht an sich. Wenn es ein Exklusivtitel ist, verdienen sie zwar direkt weniger, dafür wird aber das Hardwaregeschäft deutlich angekurbelt. Es wird sicherlich einige geben, die sich extra für Starfield eine Xbox kaufen. Und diese Spieler kaufen dann, wenn sie das Gerät schonmal haben, auch sicherlich noch mehr Spiele dafür, von deren Erlös auch immer etwas an Microsoft fließt. Im Großen und Ganzen wird das wohl mehr Geld einbringen, als die Veröffentlichung des Spiels auf Systemen der Konkurrenz.
