Owner of Eskimo North
@ Download and compile the most recent kernel from, sooner or later you’ll run into a situation where the nvidia drivers don’t support it.
Ubuntu will boot on either legacy or UEFI.
@thevoidzero @gencha What I like about GNU/Linux is precisely it’s configurability, I can use whatever desktop I want, whatever greeter I want, whatever kernel I want, whatever applications I want for a given purpose, on damned near whatever hardware I want, I mean someone recently even got Linux to boot on a 4004, it took three days but it booted. I am curious how they pulled that off without an MMU and I can only imagine the amount of paging involved with it’s 12 bit address space, but point is what you can do is almost infinitely variable. Some may use a distro because it makes software work together well, but I use it as a starting point and modify it to my needs and wants. With Windows or MacOS, I got one Desktop, one provided kernel, a more limited range of supported hardware, and close to zero customization options aside from very basic things like desktop background and color schemes.
It can easily be configured to emit no sounds, and wake-up is usually a function of your BIOS settings, disable wake-up on LAN, etc and you won’t have an issue.
@Tinidril He was backed into a corner and so he fought, he gave plenty of indications of what would happen, we ignored them, he followed through with exactly what he said he would do. If we’d followed through with what we said we would do and not advanced NATO past East Germany, then all Raytheon and company wouldn’t be racking in the dollars killing people now.
I can understand the desire for it in Alma, since it’s primarily a replacement for Scientific-Linux, and will be on a lot of cloud services, but anytime you add a requirement for something to basically function, you increase the likelihood that it won’t.
@zwekihoyy Yea I’ve heard that excuse but on the Internet there are infinitely more Linux servers and still Windows is more often compromised. I think it has more to do with thousands of eyes on the code submitting bug reports and fixes.
@dustyData @evasync When I install, I generally prepare the partitions ahead of time with gparted, whether or not I create an entirely new partition table depends upon whether it is the only OS on the disk or there are multiple. I’m not using any encrypted file systems, I need the machines to be able to boot without my being present to type in a password or pass phrase. So that is not an issue.
@griefstricken @fruitycoder I don’t think political change is even desirable, contrasted with Dmitry Medvedev and especially with Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev before him and pretty much the farther back you go the worse it gets, Konstantin Chernenko, Yuri Andropov, I mean farther back you go the worse they get. I think Putin really has been the most willing to work with us if we had only returned the same in kind, as any Russian leader in history. As for political change, though I do not think it will come as a result the political will of the people, sure he has his detractors but think most people are not unhappy with him, where it’s likely to come is simply the fact that he is 72 years old, we don’t know the state of his health or how long it will hold up.
@drwankingstein @theunknownmuncher That being the case why did Rockefeller fund BOTH sides of the conflict? It’s true it had bad effects on the economy but it wasn’t the only thing that had bad effects on the economy, you need to go back about 800 years to get to the roots of that.